Garnachas and snacks induce cancer: UNAM


What we eat is the leading cause of cancer risk, above tobacco consumption and infections, warned Magda Carvajal Moreno, a researcher at the Institute of Biology (IB) of the US. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the aflatoxins which are carcinogenic substances that we ingest daily in food.

The specialist explained that aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of the fungus Aspergillus flavus, found in various foods such as corn, rice, peanuts nuts, pistachios, peppers, poultry, eggs, milk, sausages and beer. 19659005] Aflatoxins are produced and consumed with contaminated food, accumulate for years in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and generate various harmful effects, such as cancer and mutations.

Carvajal Moreno said that what we eat is the leading cause of cancer risk, with 36% chance, at the Agriculture and Food Program's Permanent Seminar on Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (SPAAN) University Food (Pual). even before smoking, which accounts for 31% and has been warned of its adverse effects on health several times, while infections occupy only third place, with 11%.

In a study Previously, the researcher found that among the cases of liver tumors, 65% had aflatoxins; colon, 54%; rectum, 57%; pancreas, 46%; chest, 40%, and cervix, 60%: "In the latter, there is a higher risk of suffering of 6.1% [cáncer] if DNA-aflatoxin adducts are present", he said. According to what the researcher mentioned, some of the main ingredients of Mexican food are among the foods that are contaminated with [aflatoxins : corn

. , tortillas and their derivatives made with dough, such as tortilla chips, sopes and tamales, quesadillas, among other typical Mexican dishes, are highly contaminated, since according to a recent study that she developed at Mexico City, 95% He warned that aflatoxins generated by the mold Aspergillus flavus, which breeds easily in poorly stored grains, "are not seen, have no taste or odor, are resistant to mold ". the heat [soportan between 260 y 320 grados sin descomponerse] and processes such as cooking, ultrapasteurisation, nixtamalisation and fermentation. "In addition, they are insoluble in water and in organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, benzene and chloroform."

Carvajal Moreno explains that these metabolites are associated with liver cancer , the pancreas, lung, cervix and uterine cervix., are the most potent biological carcinogens known, we are all born with latent proto-oncogenes, and aflatoxins, by a chemical mechanism of oxidation, convert them into oncogenes [cancerígenos] which accumulate for years in the DNA and mutate, mainly In the first phase, aflatoxins are still eliminated by the body by the Urine, but the danger increases when they are ingested daily.For example, if a person consumes contaminated food for 40 years, the substance is gradually fixed in the DNA, which makes it worse.

The specialist has indicated that there was an error in repair, replication and integration. that once the gene mutates, the process is irreversible and that is when the cancerous process begins then the cell is transformed and the primary malignant tumor comes, in which the doctors must already intervene for the counteract with a treatment that may include radiation and operations.

It is possible to counteract their damage to the fungus, and for these recommended foods probiotics such as blackberries, green and red peppers, spinach, broccoli, beetroot cherry , green beans s tomato and carrot

Concluded that it is difficult to change dietary habits, but it is possible to provide healthy products n adequate storage, in dry and cold tanks.


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