Gastritis? Prepare a gelatin to control it


In addition to being a rich and versatile dessert, gelatin has properties that promote digestion, healthy skin and bones and against gastritis.

The gelatin It helps in stimulating the lining that covers the stomach, also helps in the production of gastric juices, so that it prevents the development of gastritis and reflux.

The gastritis, according to the Mayo Clinic, is a general term used to refer to a group of diseases that have one thing in common: inflammation of the lining of the stomach. The inflammation of gastritis is usually caused by the same bacterial infection that causes most stomach ulcers. Frequent use of certain painkillers and excessive consumption of alcohol can also contribute to gastritis.

How to prepare gelatin for gastritis?


  • ½ cup (113 milliliters) of cold water
  • 1 tablespoon gelatin powder (1 pack)
  • 1 ½ cups (338 milliliters) of hot water


In cold water, dissolve the gelatin stirring with a spoon; later, mix the cold water in the hot, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Gut is the main ingredient to prepare gelatinLet's say it's gelatin itself, but without flavor or color. This is the collagen extracted from the skin, tendons and bones of some animals that becomes a dessert, but also an important ally for health.

Collagen used in some cosmetics is a protein with special properties because of its chemical composition. Curiously, the capsules used to form the pills come from Grenetina and they are absorbed by the body.

Garnet helps preserve the elasticity of the skin, helps to have healthy nails and also helps to strengthen the knees and other joints affected by wear and tear. It is recommended to pregnant women wishing to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, especially if they take those that are naturally occurring.

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