Gay men, the role of women and abuse divide the summit in the Vatican [Internacional] – 27/10/2018


Vatican City.- The reception of homosexuals, the role of women in the Church and the sexual abuse of minors were the themes that divided the 249 bishops who voted today for the final document of the Synod, a religious summit that raised the challenges of youth the news.

The differences of opinion were revealed during the vote in plenary session of the 167 paragraphs that make up the text, whose objective is to crystallize the ideas that emerged during the meeting that began on October 3 and that the Pope will close Sunday with a Mass Saint Peter.

According to the rules of the episcopal meeting, each of the paragraphs required the approval of a simple majority of votes and its actual inclusion in the document. Despite the division of some key points, all sections eventually exceeded the minimum number of votes.

While the Synod Fathers with voting rights numbered 268, only 249 attended the last Saturday marathon session – in which the document was read in its entirety and each party submitted to the vote – with the minimum limit. approval remaining at 166 (ie two-thirds of those present).

Point number 150 received the largest number of negative votes in the entire document: a total of 65, compared to 178 for. This is the part that deals with one of the most delicate aspects of the Synod: homosexuality.

The bishops referred to "sexual inclinations", saying that "God loves everyone" and that, therefore, the Church "renews its commitment against all forms of discrimination and violence on a sexual basis" .

Later, the clergy emphasized "the decisive importance" of the differences between men and women, qualifying as "reductive" the definition of the identity of people based solely on "their sexual orientation".

In addition, the document revealed that there are already, in many Christian communities, pathways in the faith of homosexuals. The Synod therefore recommended to privilege these practices.

Number 39 is another of the most controversial parts of the document and was approved despite the vote of 43 votes; He recognizes that sexual morality is often a "cause of misunderstanding and distancing from the Church" because it is perceived as a space for judgment and condemnation.

In addition, he notes that young people are often disoriented and express an explicit desire for dialogue on issues related to the difference between male and female identity, reciprocity between men and women, and homosexuality.

With 30 and 38 votes against, two other paragraphs discussed correspond to the role of women in the Church. Number 55 revealed that among young people there was a demand for greater recognition of them in the Church and in society.

"Many women play an irreplaceable role in Christian communities, but in many places it is difficult to leave them a place in decision-making processes, even when they do not require specific ministerial responsibilities," says the text. .

The other paragraph, No. 148, called for a "courageous cultural conversion" and a "change in daily pastoral practice", particularly with regard to the presence of women in ecclesiastical bodies at all levels, including in the churches. functions of responsibility and in society. decision-making process.

"It is a duty of justice that draws its inspiration from the way Jesus has established relationships with the men and women of his time and the importance of the role of some women in the Bible, in the history of salvation. and justice in the life of the Church, "he added.

The other controversial aspect was that of sexual abuse of minors, discussed in numbers 29, 30 and 31 of the document. The three each got about 30 votes against.

Although the wording does not include an explicit request for forgiveness, as evidenced by several bishops' interventions before plenary, the letter acknowledges the suffering of the victims, including the very young, and Asked about the principle "no regret can remedy".

"The Synod remains firmly committed to the adoption of rigorous preventive measures preventing repetition, based on the selection and training of those to whom responsibility for responsibility and education will be entrusted", he said. -he declares.

In addition, he asked to go to the root of various types of abuse (power, economy, conscience and sexuality), eradicating certain forms of exercise of authority that allowed, in addition to fighting the lack of accountability and transparency with which cases have been handled.

He identified the lack of dialogue and transparency, the forms of double life, the spiritual emptiness, as well as the psychological weaknesses, the elements that constitute the terrain on which corruption develops.

Later, the Synod expressed its public gratitude to those who had the courage to denounce the suffering suffered, because they helped the Church to become aware of what happened and the need to react. decisively.

"The Synod recognizes that addressing the problem of abuse in all its aspects, including with the valuable help of young people, can really be the occasion for a reform in depth, "he said.

The final document, 55 pages and 167 points, was published only in Italian and included many other topics related to the spirituality of young people, their vocations, the digital world, migration, the drugs, vices, work, persecution. and violence, among others.

This text will serve Pope Francis and the whole Church as a starting point for his action in the pastoral care of young people in the coming years.

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