Gaza: Two Palestinians die, a minor, by Israeli fire during protests World


Two Palestinians, one of them from 13 years were killed today and more than 100 were injured by the fire of the army Israel during new demonstrations in Gaza next to the separation barrier. Israel where there were clashes with soldiers that they dispersed with tear gas and live ammunition.

"A 13-year-old Palestinian, identified as Ayman Asfour was shot dead in the Jan Yunes area," detailed the Ministry of Health's coastal enclave, which reported more later a second deceased: Mohamed al Hamayda 24 years old.

According to this same source, at least 310 people were injured 133 by Israeli firearms, of which six are in serious condition, and the rest by gas inhalation tear gas, including a paramedic

. Groups of Palestinians burned wheels and tried to cut the security fence, while others threw kites and incendiary balloons at Israel

The Army, stationed on the hills, used means of dispersal. massive like the tear gas launched by drones, in addition to real ammunition.

The Great March of 1945 which claims the right of refugees to return to their places of origin, was also called today against "the peace agreement" prepared by the US administration of Donald Trump whose negotiating delegation was in the region a week ago without meeting the Palestinians, who reject USA as a mediator.

Mobilization started on March 30, supported Since then, there have been massive demonstrations every Friday at the border, although the number of participants has gone from 40,000 on the first day to the hundreds gathered today. hui.

Israel considers the Islamist movement Hamas which controls the coastal enclave since 2007, uses these demonstrations to enter Israeli territory and to commit attacks.

Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Abdulatif Al Qanoua, said today that the marches will continue until the blockade imposed in the Gaza Strip .

Since the beginning of the demonstrations, 135 Palestinians have died on 14,000 were wounded half in actual demonstrations as well as in violent incidents at the border, half by real ammunition, according to the Ministry of Health.

Source: EFE

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