GE CEO in Latin America arrested in Brazil



The president of General Electric in Latin America and former president of Philips Healthcare in Brazil, Daurio Speranzini Junior, was arrested Wednesday in Brazil as part of the Lava operation Jato for A federal court in Rio de Janeiro has ordered the pre-trial detention of Speranzini along with eight other people, including Philips head Frederik Knudsen, in addition to the judicial police in Rio de Janeiro. Pre-trial detention of 13 others, informed the Attorney General of Rio in a statement

Lee: The story of the end of an empire called General Electric .

In addition, searches and arrests were ordered. addresses, including the offices of Philips and Johnson & Johnson in Brazil.

"Operation Resonance", a branch of Lava Jato, was unveiled after the authorities identified "a drug cartel". ers "who developed a fraudulent scheme between the Government of Rio Health Secretariat and the National Institute of Traumatology (Into) of this state between 1996 and 2017.

The Brazilian medical equipment company Oscar Iskin acted as "leader" of this cartel formed by at least 33 companies, which were organized in the so-called "international auction club", said the Office of the Prosecutor.

Lee: General Electric divides its unit from Health .The leading economic leaders of the multinational medical equipment manufacturers, who organized the victories in the bids, paid the commissions to Iskin for a value of 13% of the contracts, "he said. The Prosecution

Oscar Iskin "was the link between the public sector and the cartelized businessmen to meet public demands like medical supplies and quotes and contracts. by the unlawful downgrading of competitors who were not part of the cartel, "said the prosecution.

In a press release, General Electric stated that the allegations against Speranzini referred to" a period during which the Executive acted the leadership of another company "and was open to cooperating with the authorities.

Lee: General Electric says goodbye to its subsidiary of industrial engines .

Sapernzini has Assumed the presidency of General Electric in Latin America in January, having been president of the Latin America division of the company's health from 2014 to 2017. Previously, from 2004 to 2010, he had been president of Philips Healthcare in Latin America.

Philips said that he had not yet had access to the process, but who cooperated with the authorities to help in these allegations "that date back many years", according to the portal G1.

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