General Motors threatens Trump to reduce its size and staff in the United States, if tariffs continue


US automaker General Motors (GM) warned the government of President Donald Trump today that tariffs on vehicles imported into the United States would reduce the size of the company and the number of people employed in this country

In a statement sent to the Ministry of Commerce, the automaker pointed out that would have "serious negative impacts" if the tariff plan in the United States, which could go up to 25%, is applied.

GM's warning comes a few days after Harley-Davidson, a motorcycle maker, announced that it would move some of its production overseas to avoid Trump's government fees.

The United States noted that rates too high could "lead to a smaller GM a reduced presence in the country and abroad for this ic iconic American society and the risk of having less, not more, jobs in the United States. "

GM said that rates could raise vehicle prices and reduce sales. Even if automakers choose not to transfer higher costs, "this could generate fewer investments, fewer jobs and lower wages for our employees."

The effect The White House asked the Department of Commerce last month to consider whether tariffs on imported vehicles could be used to reduce capital costs and reduce the workforce. reasons of national security, citing a law of 1962 which authorizes trade sanctions of emergency in case of threat

The administration used the same legal justification to impose rights on imports of steel and aluminum this spring.

For its part, the Japanese automaker Toyota made similar comments Friday, saying higher tariffs "would threaten manufacturing, jobs, exports and the economic prosperity of the United States."

The company pointed out that its investment in an auto plant in the state of Alabama, with a cost of $ 1,300 million, has underlined its confidence in the United States. ] Toyota said that international carmakers assembling vehicles in the United States are based in countries like Japan, Germany and South Korea, "which are the closest allies to the United States. "

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