Germán Valdés 'Tin Tan', Mexican popular comedian, gives his last breath


One remembers him this Friday 45 years after his death as one of the greatest comedians of Mexico. (SPECIAL)


The actor Germán Valdés "Tin Tan", recognized for his grace, versatility and unfolding on stage, recalls this Friday 45 years after his death as one of the greatest comedians of Mexico.

Germán Genaro Cipriano Gómez Valdés Castillo, who with his compatriots Mario Moreno "Cantinflas" and Manuel Medel formed the trilogy of irreplaceable comedians to date, was born in Mexico City and died on June 29, 1973.

The November 1, 1943, the company of Maulmer y Miller is announced in the newspapers of the capital, including Agustín Lara, Miguelito Valdes, La Panchita, Tata Nacho, Caraza Mercedes, Los Calaveras, Maria Victoria, Meche Barba and "Tin Tan", " the actor who did not look like anyone, a new actress in Mexico. "

Four days later, the season began at the theater Esperanza Iris and on the 12th of the same month joined the cast Mario Moreno "Cantinflas", which allowed to increase the entries. The salary of Tin Tan was 40 pesos a day

On November 22, Valdés began working at XEW on the Bocadillos program of buen humor. On December 12, at the end of the season, at the Iris Theater, he was immediately hired to play the Follies, then El Patio, the most important nightclub of the 40s.

Later, it's a season at the disco, which lasted several years with constant success, which attracted the attention of film producers of the time.

He was soon invited by René Cardona to make a small sketch in the film Hotel de verano (1944), and a small participation in the Mexican-American co-production Song of Mexico (1945).

It is his contact with life on the border that pushes him to bring the character of Pachuco on stage. He wore the classic pachuco costume: very wide trousers that start at chest height, thick suspenders, a long pocket watch chain attached to the trousers and a broad-brimmed hat with a peacock feather.

In 1945, the controversial character played by Germán, who was criticized by José Vasconcelos and publicly defended by Salvador Novo and José Revueltas, finally arrives at the cinema with the film The Disobedient Son.

His first five films were directed by director Humberto Gómez Landero, but the final consecration came with director Gilberto Martínez Solares, of tender calamari, becoming, with "Cantinflas", the most sought-after comedian in the country.

He was an inseparable team with high quality comedians, among those who counted his "carnal" Marcelo, Fanny Kauffmann "Vitola", the dwarf "Tun Tun" and his brothers Ramón and Manuel.

Among his most memorable scenes is the alongside Pedro Infante in the film of the latter, also dolor canta, a classic Mexican cinema.

The "carnal" Marcelo, deceased on February 14, 1970, was the couple or "patiño" of "Tin Tan" chief, during most of his artistic career, and both, besides entertaining the public in tents and more of 60 films, have consolidated a fraternal friendship.

The Lost Child (1947), The King of the Neighborhood and Sinbad the Vertigo (1950), The Sleeping Beauty (1952), The Viscount of Montecristo (1954), Homeless Rebel (1960), Chanoc (1966) and Acapulco 12-22 (1975) are among the 106 films that he filmed "Tin Tan," including two short films and a dubbed for Walt Disney.

On the other hand, his popularity on the radio and the stages led the comedian to the movies, where his pachuco costume, irreverent language and spontaneity, allowed him to cultivate the preference of different generations of onlookers.

When the movement or pachuco declined in the 40s, the director, Gilberto Martínez Solares, managed to combine the popular discourse and humor of the Mexican with the vivacity of "Tin Tan", transforming it into a neighborhood thug who conquered the public's heart. say critics, thanks to Martínez Solares, the comedies of "Tin Tan" were the faithful mirror of a city that faced social changes.

His ability to improvise has consolidated "Tin Tan" into the indisputable figure of Mexican cinema, behind which he has highlighted a team of directors and actors whom he has cared for and protected at the same time. inside and outside filming trays.

At the end of the 60's he plays two characters who immortalize him: the voice of the bear "Balú" The book of the jungle, and that of the cat "O" Malley ", in The aristocats , the two Walt Disney films for which he seemed to be auditioning, winning papers with a wide margin over his competitors.

70s, ace He played secondary roles, so that's what he did. He worked on the Chanoc series, The Incredible Professor Zobek, The Night of Dispute and Death

Later, he suffered from hepatitis, which caused him pain. He died with a hepatic coma

When he died, he left no fortune, only a testament in which he included his wife Rosalia and his children Rosalia and Carlos, who were then minors

"Tin Tan ", which has recorded 11 albums and only received the Virginia Fábregas Medal for 25 years of professional activity granted by the Associate ation of the Actors of Mexico, was buried in the lot of actors of the Garden Pantheon, where Arturo "Bigotón" Castro uttered a few words of farewell to a crowd that accompanied the artist to his final resting place .

In 2009, the film I Mattered You You You was created, featuring the young actress Altair Jarabo, and with which a tribute was paid to Germán Val of "Tin Tan". The film also has the participation of Ulises de la Torre, Rafael Amaya, Carmen Salinas, María Rojo and Luis Felipe Tovar.

One remembers him this Friday 45 years after his death as one of the greatest comedians of Mexico. (SPECIAL)


Mexican television Telenovelas

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