Germany will expel migrants and critics will bathe Europe


Chancellor Angela Merkel's agreement to save her government, which provides for the expulsion of migrants arriving in Germany, causes criticism and questioning in Austria and in Italy, where could have a domino effect.

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Faced with pressure from the right wing of its governing coalition that threatened to close the door, Angela Merkel finally agreed to end her generous migration policy initiated in 2015, when her country received 1.2.

The agreement reached in extremis Monday night between his center-right party (CDU) and the Bavarian conservative party CSU provides for the installation of "transit centers" on the border between Germany and Germany. and Austria to place asylum seekers who were already registered in another European country.

Vienna accused Berlin on Tuesday of not taking them into account. "At no time have we been consulted," complained Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl in Luxembourg, according to statements quoted by the press in his country.

If the German government validates the compromise reached Monday night, "we will be forced to take measures to avoid disadvantages for Austria and its people," said the Austrian government in a statement. He says he is "ready to take steps to protect its borders in the south in particular", with Italy and Slovenia.

Domino Effect

Photo: AFP

The agreement concerns an average of one quarter of asylum seekers, who may be deported under bilateral agreements. In the first five months of 2018, the number rose to about 18,000, out of a total of nearly 69,000 asylum seekers who arrived in the country, according to official statistics.

The measure also provides that they will be returned to the country. The European Union (EU) through which they entered, under bilateral agreements, and in cases where there are no possible agreements will be expelled to the European Union (EU) through which they entered, under bilateral agreements, and in cases where there are no possible agreements will be expelled to the EU. Austria, where they usually arrive in Germany.

Photo: AFP

In order to try to approximate the positions of Vienna, the German Minister of the Interior, the Conservative Horst Seehofer announced Tuesday that he would surrender "as soon as possible "Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz ]

Italy, the leading country of entry for migrants to Europe across the Mediterranean, does not want to sit idly by. "If Austria wants to impose controls, it has all the rights, we will do the same," warned Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday.

Photo: AFP

The risk of a domino effect in Europe emerges at the worst time for Austria, which has just assumed the provisional presidency of the European Union for six months.

The concessions made by Angela Merkel, under the pressure of the hard right of her government, threaten the main principles of the pact concluded at the last European summit on migrants, where leaders have promised to focus on European solutions against temptations States and to assist Italy on this issue. 19659007] Turbulence in Germany

Photo: AFP

But in Germany, Merkel has not yet emerged from his government crisis

While the Chancellor has succeeded in appeasing her Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, she will have to convince her other partners of the alliance, this time the center left bench, to approve the agreement

Up to now, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has reserved its response, asking for time for it. ; examine. If he rejects the agreement, the government crisis will resume and become clearer.

A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 16:00 GMT between the three partners of the ruling coalition, the CDU Angela Merkel, CSU of the Minister of the Interior, and SPD

Photo: AFP

Aziz Bozkurt, one of the Social Democrats' specialists on migration issues, criticized the agreement that he said "goes completely in the direction of the far right," he said. -he says.

Ecologists and the Radical Left in Germany They compared the idea of ​​"transit centers" with "mass internment camps," in reference to Germany's Nazi past ] and they asked the Social Democrats to reject them.

The Social Democrats also make three years that categorically rejected this type of centers, which were debated at that time in Europe before the great influx of asylum seekers.

Photo: AFP

Angela Merkel is still under pressure. Even when he immediately avoided the fall of his government, he left this crisis politically weakened by the attacks that he made during this period Seehofer.

It is difficult to imagine that Merkel could now have a quiet relationship with her minister in the interior and her Bavarian conservative party, which for weeks put the Chancellor's authority in doubt and openly .

"Probably the climate has never been as poisoned in a government coalition as in this one," Bild newspaper reported on Tuesday. ] In this note:

  • Angela Merkel
  • Germany
  • They will expel migrants
  • Domino effect in Europe
  • Hard right party

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