Girl with cerebral palsy takes her first steps


Difficult, it is the least that can be said, to have lived the life of the American Maya Tisdale of only four years.

The girl was born before 26 weeks of gestation and before the age of two years was diagnosed with spastic diplegia with cerebral palsy a condition that makes her muscles hips, legs and feet stretched or spastic, which makes it "unable to stop by itself for more than a few seconds, or walk without the help of a walker" the site that the family was preparing to raise funds to pay for their treatment.

Despite the complex situation, Maya and her relatives did not give up and this Wednesday we saw the fruit of the effort of each: a video shows the little girl taking her first steps without the help of a walker .

"I'm walking! … I walk! … it's i'm walking … yes! … I even took a big step " says Maya in the file where she appears accompanied by her older brother and her pet, according to ABC News. [19659003] This significant advance was achieved after the child, who uses a walker since the age of one year, arrived with her family at St. Louis Children's Hospital of Missouri where she underwent surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy ] an intervention that was aimed at "permanently reducing Maya's spasticity, giving her the ability to live with less pain and greater mobility", declared the family.

After the surgery, the attending physician told the girl parents that Maya was going to walk but not without a daily physical and exhausting therapy.

Despite the good prognosis, the parents said that they were surprised by the realization of the girl: "We were waiting, where was Maya before the surgery, who would take at least e Between six months and a year arriving at independent stages and here we are seven weeks later … she is like going out of there. water, "says the family.

Despite this, the family says to stay calm: "Maya still (cerebral palsy) He still has brain damage and he still has stiffness in his legs … He will continue physiotherapy five days a week as we have done, and he reinforces and practices his ability to walk, "they added.

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