Girls try to poison rat poison with their companion in primary Veracruz


The life of a minor, a student of a primary school in the municipality of Las Choapas, Veracruz, was in danger after two of her classmates tried to poison her.

The events occurred at the Emiliano Zapata Elementary School, located in the Colonia J. Mario Rosado, where two girls in sixth grade tried to put rat poison in the thermos with water from another of their comrades.

According to reports in the local press, quoting a spokesperson for the Children's and Adolescents' Bureau of the municipal DIF, named Beatriz González Segura, the minor noticed the plan of her companions, because they tried to take the thermos.

The girl immediately refused and went to warn the school authorities, who called the two minors, who finally confessed their plan.

Later the grandmother of the girl, victim of the macabre plan, was informed of the events, which were reported to the municipal DIF, which led to the arrival on the educational staff of social workers, psychologists and the prosecutor himself.

The two girls and their parents intervened on the danger of their actions, as well as having to do some psychological therapy.

Regarding the minor, the target of these two girls, her grandmother confirmed that she will not complain about the events; while it was announced that several cases of bullying could exist in the school.

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