Gomita: from clown to youtuber


Aracely Ordaz Campos, better known as Gomita, was the famous buffoon of Televisa's Sabadazo program, and those who remember her in her television debut, know that she is very different nowadays, thanks to its continuous change of look. Gomita's nickname was born from his clown character, accompanied by his brother Lapizito, and what started as a children's game led Lapizito, Lapizín and Gomita to be part of a circus, as well as various shows and shows.

His official start in the media was in the off program, It's Vale in March 2010 through the contest The Children's Challenge.

Gomita was a constant target of ridicule in social networks, after publishing photography without makeup in Most users made derogatory comments towards the host, so his fans had to defend themselves, according to various sites Entertainment.

Now, Gomita uses Instagram to show off her figure and her new look with an appearance that includes more loaded makeup, extensions and even pink hair.

Some users did not believe that she was a charismatic clown before and today she is sporting an astonishing figure that captivates thousands of gentlemen

In September 2016, he participates in the program of the band Qué rollo alongside conductors Johar Villarreal, Daniel Herrera and Luis El Cuate, and Ordaz looks forward to the project, but it does not last long. in the show.

"It's a new project, with very talented young people, I'm glad you invited me.There was a very good chemistry with the pilots."

Sound passage to Multimedios

After 3 months working at Multimedios, the driver suddenly left the company in February 2017 in which he participated

Some fights were speculated with his partners in the program of Monterrey

The cover of H

Ordaz boasted of his cover for the H Magazine for Men for September 2017. Gomita he also posted a video on his Twitter where he was seen signing the first magazine sold

Other collaborations

On the other hand, Gomita has been dedicated to various projects in the entertainment industry, for example , he participated in TV Azteca's evening program, Embracing us and m youtuber

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