Goodbye to the pain! They discover a less addictive analgesic than morphine


A group of researchers discovered a analgesic more durable effect and that creates less dependence than morphine.

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This nanoanalgesic was tested on rodents by experts, who saw how three versions of a natural nanoparticle had analgesic effects when it was administered to rats with infected legs, reported in an article by the American Association for the Progress of the science published in the journal Science Advances.

This discovery could pave the way for intense pain treatments who do not carry the serious side effects associated with morphine or synthetic opiates, which can among other things cause addiction.

And in the United States, more than 115 people die from an overdose of opiates a day, with which the discovery of an analgesic that creates less dependence is essential.

The small natural peptides of the body, such as enkephalins, which bind to opioid receptors, may be an option for treating pain because they activate the opioid receptor ligands, which are thought to create less dependence.

analgesic photo less addictive than morphine
Scientists have sought a better solution to morphine and opiates. (Getty Images, file)

Scientists have sought a better solution to morphine and opiates. (Getty Images, file)

In search of a better solution to morphine and opiates, scientists, Jiao Feng and Patrick Couvreur, have created with their team a Nanomedicine using the neuropeptide Leu-enkephalin (LENK), which is involved in the regulation of pain in the body.

Until now, the approach of using enkephalins to treat pain has not been used because of pharmacokinetic problems, as the difficulties that these peptides have to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Link between LENK and squalene, a natural compound that may be of plant or animal origin, were created by scientists nanoparticles which could be applied to the pain area through intravenous injections.

Four hours after the rats were injected, the researchers observed signs of less heat sensitivity to pain and they saw that the calming effects were more lasting.

Scientists manage to translate their thoughts into words

With EFE information.


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