Google no longer considers acceptable that cryptocurrency extraction can be performed from devices compatible with the Play Store the native company's application store for Android products. This was specified in an update of the policies governing the store, which now explicitly addresses the problem of virtual currencies and makes it clear that they will never be able to be reposted on the platform again.

We do not support applications that minen cryptocurrencies across devices. Yes, those who manage this activity remotely are allowed.

As the company itself indicates, this prohibition only affects the exploitation of cryptocurrency to the exclusion of all applications that do. the times of the virtual portfolios or that allow to control the value and the state of the market in real time. A decision that fits into the decision made by Google last April to veto the extensions of currency extraction in Chrome that comes one month after Apple made a deal. even in the App Store.

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Enduring control

This is not the only aspect that Google took advantage of to influence the update of his store policies, also reinforcing the control of the content found in the Play Store for Children . In this way, "applications that include content that sexualizes minors are subject to immediate withdrawal" and add that, from now on, "apps for children containing adult topics are not allowed."

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Aprovechan also to influence one of the most controversial aspects of the App Store: the ] applications that are very similar or that, directly, are copies of others under another name. To prevent this, they will no longer support "apps that offer just the same experience as other apps already available on Google Play." Something logical if you consider the growth of Android and that the premise is that the store is always something useful for the user. "Apps need to deliver value to users by creating unique content or services," they say.