Google helps the INE – El Diario de Yucatán


Presents new functions for these elections

CITY OF MEXICO (El Universal) .- Google's search engine has a new feature to keep people informed in elections.

"With Publications on Google, the Knowledge Panel of the National Electoral Institute (INE) will show useful information relating to the electoral process, which can be accessed when searching for the name of the institute or its acronyms, "he said in a statement. or the terms related to the 2018 elections in Mexico will find options such as "Where to vote," "Enlightened vote" and "Candidates".

"Each of them will take you to different sections, on the INE website, with useful public information that the National Electoral Institute has prepared to keep citizens informed. "

By searching Where to vote? Or related terms will appear in Google Experience" Locate Your Box "developed in conjunction with the INE and just enter the" Entity "data and "Section" printed on the voter card will show the address of the box.

"From there, in one click, Google Maps will tell you how to reach it."

En Besides, on July 1, as the results of the PREP are published, when searching for "Elections in Mexico" you will find a Knowledge Panel that will update the results of the election in real time.

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