Google is working on a video game platform


Los Angeles .- Google is preparing its entry into the world of electronic entertainment through a video game platform in "streaming" (online), informed the specialized portal Kotaku.

Yeti is the name of this project with which Google will try to enjoy streaming options to enjoy video games high quality without high-end console, since the weight of graphics

According to sources cited by Kotaku, Google held meetings on this subject in specialized forums of the video game industry such as the E3 show, which s & # Is held earlier this month in Los Angeles, California.

Parallel to the Yeti project, Google is also interested in the signing of video game developers who can provide content to their platform. "Streaming".

If finally decided to enter the world of video games, Google would expand its range of services that, in addition to the famous search engine, includes the YouTube video site, the Gmail email manager, the Exploitation system. An Android or Chrome browser.

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The application of "streaming" in the world of video games was one of the main trends of the latest E3 fair, where the makers of Xbox, the console of Microsoft, said that they were working on a new online platform on the gaming market on all screens.

Also, the developer Electronic Arts took advantage of the E3 to announce Origin Access Premier, an update of its subscription offer for PC.

The interest of the giants of the game in the "streaming" seems to follow the footsteps of other successful online models such as Netflix on TV or Spotify on the music.

On this note:

  • Video games
  • Google video games platform
  • Google Videogames

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