Google Maps: Find the American font in a comic scene and you'll laugh when you see it | Google Street View | Google Earth | United States | trends


Nobody could have imagined it. The Google Maps car caught two policemen in the United States in a comic scene that will make you laugh just by looking at it. You still do not see it? Check this note and you will find the pictures.

According to the author of the find, the youtuber STREETVIEWFUN, used Google Maps to make a virtual tour of a road to United States when he came across a patrol car that did not attract attention at the beginning

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However, everything changed in a few seconds, because when he advanced the images, he noticed that the police vehicle was following the Google Maps car closely, so he thought the officers were thinking of intervening.

To his surprise, the police intervention never happened, as agents acknowledged that it was the vehicle Google Maps, they decided to turn around and go back to where they were before

. youtuber did not provide the exact coordinates of his curious discovery; However, there is no doubt that the images were captured by the Google Maps vehicle that usually takes 360-degree photos of the places it's traveling.

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