Google Maps: Joker drew a gigantic penis in a dry lake looking towards space [FOTOS] | Viral | Society


Google Maps did it again, this time a traveler discovered a strange taxed on a lake in Australia.

Another joke of " Great Proportions " was circulated in Social Networks, This time it is a drawing that was done in a lake ; for some, there is nothing funny .

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A joker wanted to do something epic and it seems that he did it. This drawing is a huge penis-shaped engraving on the bottom of a dry lake in the city of Geelong Australia.

The drawing is so large that you can even see it from space across Google Maps according to several users who have criticized the tax on the same platform.

"I traveled from New York to see this beauty," he wrote mockingly for what he could see from the plane.

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This is not the first time users get a phallus image using Google Maps platform, a few years ago a church became famous because its structure had this shape.

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