Google Maps: Learn more about your destinations with Street View images | Trade | Technology and science | News


Google Maps is very useful when you have to go to a place that is not known. But the mobile application only shows plans and satellite images of, in most cases, ceilings making the destination unknown. But thanks to the Street View platform, you can find out what it is in the real world.

The application allows you to access 360-degree photos that allow you to explore the real world such as Street View. So, if for example you go to a friend's house for the first time, you can set the address of the house in Google Maps and find out what its facade looks like with Street View.

see in the shared screenshots, to access Street View images of a map, you must first establish the address of a place or place a bug of the site you want to see. In this example, the address of the side door of the newspaper El Comercio was searched

When the place was defined, the name of the establishment or address appears at the bottom and a photo site with the icon a circular arrow. This indicates that it's a Street View photo that when you touch it, you access the platform to see the real world with 360-degree images.

Do not forget that you can browse and browse these photos to know the streets. Simply slide the screen on one side or double-tap the line that appears to point you in one direction. When you have finished exploring, simply touch your device or the arrow pointing to the left at the top of the screen.

The data

Google Maps explain in their user help site that "With Street View, you can see universal landmarks and natural wonders, and go to places inside like museums, stadiums, restaurants or small businesses ". The content is more complete in the application of this platform.

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