Google Maps: looking for his mother-in-law's house and discovering his wife's big secret | Google Street View | Google Earth | trends


A big surprise is when a young man decided to look for the home of his mother-in-law in Argentina, with Google Maps, because he discovered a huge secret about his wife and daughters-in-law, a finding that has circumnavigated around the world through social networks.

According to the discovery author, who shared his discovery in Reddit, his mother-in-law had invited them to lunch, since he had recently married, so he put the address in Google Maps to find out what the house looked like and not get lost

YOU CAN SEE Google Maps: they look like normal girls, but if you follow them you'll find a great secret [FOTOS]

his surprise in discovering that the house of his mother-in-law located in the street Centenario Sur, located in Rivadavia, San Juan, Argentina would show them the shameful secret that his wife and his daughters-in-law they had hidden for several

According to the author of the discovery, he showed him the image that Google Maps captured his wife and she told him all that has happened. It turns out that her mother, the wife's mother-in-law, beat her with a woman, who decided to vandalize the place where she lived.

For this reason, you can see an obscene phrase chance of this man's wife, I remain immortalized by Google Maps, whose vehicle traveled the streets of this city Argentina in March 2014. [19659002] It is unlikely that Google Maps blames the image; however, there have been cases where users can ask the tech giant to scramble their home for security reasons, although this usually delays the demand, in most cases it works.

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