Google Maps: They find & # 39; Momo & # 39; in the streets of Mexico and photos cause terror | Google Street View | trends


A cybernaut made a terrifying discovery, which became viral on social networks. It turns out that " Momo ", the terrifying entity of WhatsApp was found in the streets of Mexico. The images were captured using Google Maps Google Street View Tool and scared everyone.

According to the author of the find, he used Google Maps to search the house of a friend who lives in Oaxaca, Mexico and noticed that there was some strange thing in a house, so he decided to zoom in and see what it was.

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When he did, he was terrified because as you will see in the Picture captured by Google Maps, there was a strange woman who climbed the wall of a house. the most popular WhatsApp spectrum.

Although it looks like a real woman, if you look closely, the discovery of Google Maps would be a doll that was set up by the owners of the house. to scare passersby, even the dwelling has the number ero 666 ".

Although many believe that this doll would be " Momo ", other Google Maps users gave her other nicknames, such as & # 39; 39, Samara & # 39; del Aro, the witch of "El Conjuro", among other names of horror movie characters.

Since the young man made this discovery with Google Maps, the image has been shared by thousands of people on social networks, especially on Facebook, where thousands thought Momo &

It should be noted that this is not the only time Google Maps finds a very particular fact. Previously, the application of the technological giant has discovered several curiosities, such as UFOs sea monsters, and so on.

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