Google Maps: two women are caught in a controversial Russian street scene [FOTO] | trends


You will be amazed. The cameras of Google Maps have crossed the streets of Russia and captured a controversial scene that was carried out by two women who give lectures on social networks, especially on Facebook, where images have astonished thousands.

A user was exploring various streets of Russia when suddenly he came upon an image that caused his amazement at the particularity of the scene found in the Google Maps program.

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In the photos, we clearly see two women fighting in the middle of a street in Russia [19659005]. One of them pulls the hair of his opponent and lags on the track.

The most amazing thing about the image captured by Google Maps is that there were several people contemplating the violent scene but no one seemed interested in stopping the fight. Spectators seem to enjoy the fight instead of trying to separate the two women.

The images were discovered by the Google Sightseeing blog but have recently been unearthed. It seems that they have now been removed from Google Maps, so knowing their exact location seems like an impossible task.



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