Google Maps: US travel website and make a terrifying discovery | Google Street View | Google Earth | Viral | Video | Pictures | trends


A terrifying discovery, which was found thanks to Google Maps cameras, scared thousands of netizens, who never imagined that there would be a totally frightening scene in an area tourist of United States . ] According to the author of the discovery, who shared his discovery in YouTube very close to home there is a huge arch that hundreds of tourists are going to photograph, he wanted to know what he looked like , he decided to look for it

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The boy put the address in Google Maps and thanks at Google Street View This application tool that allows you to make virtual tours, you can see the details of this tourist area located somewhere in the United States.

As you can see in the video, recently posted on YouTube the Google Maps vehicle went through the area and caught a young man who was watching his cell phone very close to the phone. mentioned arch; however, it is not the horror of discovery.

If you move the Google Maps camera to the right, you will notice that there was a young man sitting on the sidewalk; however, there is something that draws a lot of attention from him and is that he has no face so many have begun to fear him.

Although he may look like a ghost as he thought the author of the discovery, the truth is that it would be a "bug" of Google Maps, which occurred because the photos 360 degrees taken by the vehicle of the company sometimes overlap, giving the appearance that the boy does not have a face.

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