Gorbachev says the summit between Putin and Trump could be historic


The latest Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, said the summit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American colleague Donald Trump on July 16 in Helsinki could be historic if both leaders choose "If the two leaders choose the way of cooperation during their expected summit, history, of course, will take into account their contribution to universal peace, "Gorbachev told Interfax after hearing about the meeting. in the Finnish capital

The father of "perestroika", who held several summits of disarmament in the 1980s with Ronald Reagan, then president of the United States, has been calling for a personal meeting between Putin and Trump for years. [19659002] "Short meetings", such as those taking place in the context of major international forums, "are also of importance, but all understands perfectly well that it is necessary to address an extensive program, and The Summit is looking at this program, which is something wonderful, "he said.

Gorbachev pointed out that Helsinki, where he maintained his first meeting with US President George Bush in 1990, "is a place of trust to organize" From my own experience, I know that Finland is a reliable partner, and Helsinki is a very safe place to hold high-level meetings, "he said.

The meeting between the two most powerful leaders The world has been waiting for months, since Putin and Trump have only met informally at international meetings so far, the last time in November at the APEC summit in Vietnam

"During the negotiations, it is planned to discuss of the current situation. and prospects for the development of Russian-American relations, in addition to the news of the international agenda, "said the Kremlin's note today with which was announced or the seat and the day from the top.

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With information from EFE

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