Govern AMLO with a majority in Congress


The push that voters gave to the virtual winner of the presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will reconfigure the colors in the next legislature of the Union Congress, since this will be in accordance with the majority of the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette), Labor Party (PT) and Social Encounter (PSE). The call for "equal vote" was repeated and the coalition together, we will do the story up here reached 218 deputies and 55 senators.

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was razed. According to the preliminary account, with 79% in advance, if it was the first political force in the House, it would fall to the fifth. The proof is that out of the 300 constituencies in which Mexico is divided, it will scarcely gain one with its own candidacy and its own coalition with the Green Party and the New Covenant; in the last election he won 156 constituencies.

On the other hand, for the Senate, the Todos Por México alliance (PRI, PVEM, Panal) won two majority seats and 11 in the first minority; that is, losing candidates with the second best vote. The PAN, PRD and MC alliance would reach a maximum of 62 seats in San Lazaro and 25 seats in the Senate.

Daniel Zovatto, director for Latin America's International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, said the big question is what will López Obrador do with the political capital that he has? Is reflected in the high vote. "The complete car is being transported and most in both cameras, I hope the most pragmatic part will win."

For now, the virtual winner of the race has already had a rapprochement with leaders from at least eight countries. The leaders of the United States and Canada, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau, respectively, have already spoken with him and, as has been revealed, the subject of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was One of the main points discussed

After the elections, PRI goes to fifth place in the Chamber of Deputies

Movimiento Ciudadano will have a large representation in the Chamber of Deputies. SUN / Archivo

The Congress of the Union will be formed in the next legislature with a majority of the Party of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the Party of Labor (PT) and the Party of Social Encounters (PES ). The coalition that promoted Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the virtual winner of the elections.

The big loser of the elections was the once-powerful Institutional Revolutionary Party, which will move from the majority in Congress to the fifth legislative force. In the vote, he obtained only a majority in a single district, of the 300 that the Republic has, independently. The PRI has never had so few MPs in its history

According to some projections, once the multi-member MPs affected and the seats split among the alliances, Morena would be the controlling fraction with 159 to 174 legislators. would follow the PAN that could have between 75 and 89 seats. The PT will reach between 55 and 66 deputies; while Encuentro Social would be between 54 and 68 spaces. The PRI would fall to the fifth force with between 46 and 56 lawmakers. The PRD would get a maximum of 34 and the Citizen Movement between 18 and 29. The Green Party aspires between 6 and 19 and the New Covenant between three and eight. No independent candidate would come to the lower house.

The Federal Congress is composed of 500 deputies, 300 are those who win their district directly elected by the vote, 200 come by the multipartite list presented by each party, these are assigned according to the vote reached.

The Upper House is made up of 128 senators, of whom 64 are the two candidates composing the formula presented by the parties by each state. 32 other places are occupied by the candidate who runs the most voted loser (first minority), and 32 others are from the multi-member lists

Social meeting, about to lose his registration [19659014] that the PES will have a large group of legislators, because of the results of the Institute would be about to lose the record.

Voters turn their back on the institutional revolutionary in the states

The former footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco was elected with Over 50% of the votes in Morelos. EFE / T. Rivera

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) closed the election of 2018 with the worst result of its history in state elections. The citizens of the nine conflicting entities turned their backs on the tricolor and did not allow it to govern the country.

Worse still, the political force that governs the country is currently lagging in second place in points such as Chiapas and Yucatan. in Veracruz, Jalisco, Puebla, Mexico City, Tabasco and Guanajuato

His most dramatic result is that of the state of Morelos, where he is in fourth position. The candidate Jorge Armando Meade Ocaranza only got 42 thousand 427 votes, one eighth of the 373,600 that placed Cuauhtémoc Blanco in first place.

The former footballer even beat the vote that led to the current governor, Graco Ramírez

The states of Yucatan and Jalisco, until now ruled by the PRI, will cease to be the next six-year term. They will be respectively represented by Acción Nacional and Movimiento Ciudadano

In addition, the State of Chiapas, who ruled Manuel Velasco with the acronym of Green Ecologist, PRI and Nueva Alianza, will begin a six-year term with Morena in December. by Rutilio Escandón

Up to the court, López Obrador had more than 23 million votes. Not even added, the numbers of their rivals reach it. AFP / P. Pardo

López Obrador discusses a new NAFTA with the United States and Canada

Not a day after the preliminary vote count places him above his rivals for the presidency of the Mexico, when the virtual contest winner, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, began dialogues with US and Canadian leaders, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau, respectively

Obrador confirmed that the US president has announced that he will be in the United States. had called and they talked for half an hour. He said that the agreement was "respectful" and that future dialogues would be followed by their respective representatives.

After the speech, Trump said in the Oval Office that the relationship between the two "will be very good" because "they had a good conversation." He even said that "Mexicans had an excellent choice, I would say even better than expected. "

The dialogue included the possibility of a bilateral agreement as a possible replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

On the other hand, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also discussed the renegotiation of NAFTA. The office of the head of this government stressed that "they discussed the mutual economic benefits and trade relations between the two countries, and shared the priority of updating the Treaty for the good of their people. "

They also emphasized their desire to work together in "creating economic growth for all, advancing the rights of indigenous peoples and shaping a better future for Canadians and Mexicans".


Heads of State Seek It

At least eight leaders called López Obrador to congratulate him and strengthen his ties with the virtual winner of the presidential election. According to the former candidate's press team, he spoke with US Presidents, Donald Trump; Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado; France, Emmanuel Macron; Guatemala, Jimmy Morales; the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau; Argentina, Mauricio Macri; El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, and Chile, Sebastián Piñera

The most voted in the history of Mexico

With the results of Sunday, the coalition candidate Together we will make history, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, became in the candidate for the first elected office of the most voted country in the history of Mexico.

According to data from the preliminary account of the National Electoral Institute (INE), with a cut at 21:00 last night, only With the votes in favor of Morena, the number of the most voted president is exceeded: Enrique Peña Nieto, who in 2012 received 19.2 million ballots in his favor. In the cup, and adding the votes of the Labor and Social Meeting parties (PT and PES, respectively), the sum is 23.1 million.

To compare, the candidate of the All for Mexico coalition, Jose Antonio Meade Kuribreña, received 7.4 million votes, only in the polls in which the institutional revolutionary parties, the new alliance and the green ecologists were deleted. They are 15 million less than those of López Obrador.

In 1994, Ernesto Zedillo was put on the presidential band thanks to 17.1 million votes in his favor. Not even Carlos Salinas de Gortari, who is still associated today as one of the leaders of the institutional revolutionary hierarchy, got as many votes.

In 1994, the tricolor party recorded 9.6 million votes nationwide, although it was one in two compared to the total counted

Suffrage for the presidency (results with cut at 9 pm )
Party Total Votes Percentage
Brunette 20 229 314 45.37304717
PAN 8131.341 18.23807366
PRI Brodo Brodo PT 1.701.981 ] 3.817433661
PRD 1.307.665 2.933008293
] PES 1.222.795 2.7742650354
PVEM 822.160 1.844051877
MC 810,699 1,818345593
PANAL 493,115 [1965904] 5] 1.106025155
Margarita Zavala 64,643 0,1444990082
Unregistered 57,561 0,1229105612
No Vote 1 246 568 2,795971661
Total 44,584,429 100

A bloody campaign is over

Elections ended the campaign The "bloodiest" election in Mexico's recent history, with at least 145 political assassinations since September (48 were pre-candidates and candidates), when the electoral process began, according to Etellekt's consultancy.

The red balance is, by far, higher than it was six years ago, when nine politicians and one candidate were murdered. According to official data, violence has increased 14 times in this electoral process

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