Government expenditures increase by 9.3%


CITY OF MEXICO (El Universal) .- In May, the federal government spent more than the income that it earned. Data from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) reveal that in the fifth month of the year the budget revenue was 377 thousand 439 million pesos, while the net expenditure paid totaled 414 thousand 125 million pesos, 9.3% more compared to May 2017.

The same thing was observed in the accumulated from January to May, with total budget revenues of 2 billion 92 thousand 957 million pesos, which represents a decrease of 12.5% ​​compared to the same period of the previous year

The cumulative

The above has generated a monthly deficit of 42 thousand 702 million pesos and a negative balance of public finances of 36 thousand 899 million pesos from January to May 2018.

That is to say got 78 thousand 801 million pesos more than estimates, although the special tax revenue on the production and services (IEPS) to gasoline and di esel recorded a monthly decline of 40.1% in May and 21.4% me

The Secretariats of Agriculture stand out with a monthly variation of 89.7% and in five months of 108.9 %; Sedatu with respectively 123.7% and 39.2% and Economy with 10.1% and 102.1%.

On the contrary, the activities External Relations, Finance and Public Credit, Communications and Transport and Health have been adjusted. The Attorney General's Office (PGR) cut spending by 4.7% in May, but the five months accumulated increased by 6.2%.

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