Government fires doctors who treated wounded in Nicaragua [Internacional] – 07/27/2018


Nicaragua.- At least 13 doctors from the Oscar Danilo Rosales Argüello School Hospital were fired in Nicaragua "for treating wounded during armed attacks" during protests against President Daniel Ortega, denounced by the civic movement Leonesa Articulation

The group of doctors is composed of pediatricians, surgeons and specialists in orthopedics, anesthesiology and oncology.

The Leonesa Articulation linked the layoffs with the hospital director, Lejarza Vargas, to "order the medical staff of the hospital who did not attend the injured protesters." [19659002] Complaints that have been reflected in an official report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

The director of the hospital was also denounced to medical students who wanted to go because the paramilitaries and the Orteguista crowds were involved or to mistreat them "during the demonstrations of 19 April.

Others, the coalition claimed that of these doctors "some, who were already in their jobs, had come out with luxury of violence" for the safety of the hospital; The inhabitants of the city of León, north- West of Nicaragua, protested today against President Daniel Ortega, this time for the dismissal of dozens of state doctors who treated protesters wounded in the government's attacks on the population.

In the story of El Gráfico, it is reported that hundreds of residents of León, 97 kilometers northwest of Managua, took to the streets to show their support for the doctors who were returned from The Oscar School Hospital Danilo Rosales Argüello (Heodra), owned by the State

The Civic Movement Articulación Leonesa and the Student Movement UNAN-Leon, on April 19, report that between 30 and 30 40 doctors were expelled from the public hospital.

The doctors concerned, who did not give their names for fear of reprisals, said they were dismissed "by terrorists for having witnessed injured protesters". [1] 9659002] The ban on the attention of injured protesters is a violation of human rights by the Government of Nicaragua that has already been denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. man (IACHR).

The concerned physicians have warned that the department (province) of Leon could face a health emergency, since Heodra was found without specialists in oncology, pneumology, infectious diseases, among others.

The controversy occurs in the midst of a crisis that has left between 295 and 448 deaths in protests against Ortega since April 18.

The IACHR and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Acnudh) declared the Government of Nicaragua responsible for "killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment, torture and arbitrary detentions against the mainly young population of the country ", but the Nicaraguan government denies it. 002] Nicaragua is plunged into the bloodiest crisis since the 1980s, also under the presidency of Ortega.

Protests against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, began in April to social security and became a claim that calls for the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with accusations of 39, abuse and corruption against him.

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