Governor Francisco Cabeza de Vaca guarantees election monitoring


"Harmonize all actions to carry out a free and democratic process, such as the one demanded and demanded by the people today in Tamaulipas."

Ciudad Victoria .- In Tamaulipas, vigilance is guaranteed for Sunday, the state governor, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, said Thursday that he hoped the voter turnout would be hearty.

When asked about his departure from the government palace, he said: "We have not left with us more than inviting all citizens that these days they can, and that they have the peace and quiet of Mind that they can leave freely. "

Garcia Cabeza de Vaca pointed out that it will be a predominantly federal election" corresponds to the government of the Republic, but we also participate, supporting, asquo; there are also local elections, it is a joint effort that we lead ". [196] 59003] The leader of Tamaulipan added "… and where we all agree on something: harmonize all actions to carry out a free and democratic process, such as that required and required by the people of Tamaulipas today. "

García Cabeza de Vaca referred to the relay of the Presidency of the Republic, with which, he said, a clear message will be sent internationally "what is at stake in this process, it's governance, but above all more than ever our country it requires to build trust, send a message to the productive sectors and send a message to international markets. "

The Governor of Tamaulipas emphasized his interest for the people who go to the polls in a massive way: "we want to make sure that going to vote will be a copious election where there will be a big participation of the citizens, this election will be very framed, they will be very well taken care of in the 43 municipalities. "[1 9659008] (function (d, s, id) {

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