Governor of Guerrero says Bimbo resumes operations in Acapulco


Bimbo reopened the nine roads that it had suspended last Friday in the suburbs of Acapulco port due to insecurity, said Tuesday Governor of Guerrero, Hector Astudillo Flores [19659002]. The federal police and gendarmerie installed Monday security and control operations in areas where roads were closed.

"What I can tell you is that the case of Bimbo is taken care of … monitoring (…) I understand that the operations are resumed and we will be very aware that they walk normally, "said Astudillo.

For its part, the company declared Expansión that in coordination with the authorities of Guerrero "We began to restore our operations" and it is a process that They hope to wrap up in the "next few days".

Over the weekend, the Mexican company announced that it was temporarily suspending the distribution of 9 of its roads to Acapulco, Guerrero, because its deliverymen are victims of aggression and death. # 39; extortion.

The Governor of Guerrero explained that, in consultation with the bread machine representatives, it was decided that the Guerrero Coordination Group would support safety.

"The communication that was made, particularly in the case of Bimbo C, was through Federal Chief of Police David Portillo, and he was also followed yesterday with the director," he added.

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The Attorney General of the State, Jorge Zuriel of Santos Barrila, has stated that to date, no incidents of violence or extortion have been reported to Bimbo distributors

. They work normally, no problem has occurred and they work. They normally work from today. "

de los Santos Barrila added that they launched the investigation process against the people who committed the extortion acts in addition to the opening of". a record by the fire of one of the trucks the distributors last Thursday.

"The complaint is derived from all the facts, both the extortion and the vehicle that was burned ( …) the federal police has put in place a device, "he insisted

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