Grand Theft Auto 6 will not arrive in 2019


Users of Grand Theft Auto V can usually see direct messages from the developer Rockstar in the middle of the multiplayer interface, recently something about these messages has attracted the attention of the community because has confirmed the launch of Grand Theft Auto 6 for the year 2019.

The announcement does not make sense in the market .

Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that the announcement, although it appeared in the game itself, is false. Several conversation threads were created in Reddit in connection with this announcement and it was confirmed that all this was the work of a hacker / modder . The ad was shown only in the versions of PC game, which is precisely the easiest to transgress.

On the other hand, being so close to the launch date of a giant title of The same company, like Red Dead Redemption 2, has no absolute strategic sense make a second exit so early. Sorry, fans this video game crime saga, but there will not be Grand Theft Auto 6 for a moment.

Grand Theft Auto V is the fifth numbered delivery of a recognized and controversial criminal theme game franchise. Each instance of the game allows us to enter stories full of violence, crime and adult court issues.

Links of Interest:

Twitter from user comments.

Discussions on Reddit on the subject 1.

Discussions on Reddit about topic 2.

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