Granier Melo could serve the rest of his sentence in house arrest: Tabasco prosecutor


VILLAHERMOSA, Tab. (Approve) .- The State Attorney General, Fernando Valenzuela Pernas, said that probably from one moment to another, he will grant protection to former PRI Governor, Andres Granier Melo, so that he enjoys the benefit of home detention.

He pointed out that Granier Melo had filed an amparo and that because of his age, more than 70 years, it could be favorable to him to serve at his home the sentence of more than 10 years of imprisonment pronounced in February in front of the third criminal court of Tabasco. crime of embezzlement.

The former governor had been arrested in June 2013 for "huge traffic" in Tabasco and had entered the Reclusorio Oriente in Mexico City, but a few weeks later, due to health problems, he had been transferred to the medical center of Tepepan Women's Prison, where he was currently working. rest

About the former treasurer José Manuel Saiz Pineda, also a prisoner since June 2013 at the Center for Social Reintegration of the State (Creset), the prosecutor reported that he had asked three times this type of amparo and had been denied this benefit. fourth time

"The public prosecutor stated that he was not obliged to receive a fourth (application), because in terms of criminal procedure, the legal conditions remain the same," he said.

"In the case of Granier, a direct injunction is proposed for the change of the precautionary measure and a resolution could be taken at any other time.There are differences between the cases.One is the age and the other the condition in which it occurs, these are different cases, "said Valenzuela Pernas.

Last February, Tabasco's third criminal judge, Guadalupe Cadenas Sánchez, was convicted and sentenced former Granier Melo governor to 10 years, 10 months and 15 days' imprisonment for the offense of misappropriation. funds, as well as for compensation for damage to the public treasury of 196 million pesos.

He has also been fined 525 days and suspended his political rights while he remains deprived of his liberty.

However, he was acquitted of the offense of public service crime in a gang assigned to him by the Attorney General's Office (FGE).

For her part, Saiz Pineda received final protection from the tenth circuit college court last September and ordered her immediate release for the alleged diversion of 196 million pesos from the health sector.

However, he remained in prison because he has pending another charge of embezzlement of 21 million pesos attributed to him by the FGE.

The former treasurer also filed a writ of amparo which, if it was favorable, would put him on the street before the end of the year, according to his lawyer, Victor Manuel Hilario Flores.

Granier Melo and Saiz Pineda have both been charged with federal and common law crimes, but they have won amparos that have them practically "slammed into the street," according to their lawyers.

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