Growing flu


The SSY calls for action against contagion

The flu epidemic will increase in the next two weeks, so the Yucatan Ministry of Health (SSY) urges the population to take appropriate preventive measures to prevent contagion.

Special calls have been made to people with chronic conditions who are at risk for a life-threatening complication.

Although there are now four deaths due to influenza in the state, the figure corresponds to the epidemiological week number 28, which ends July 12, so that the data has not been updated.

A minor from Progress is known to have died in a particular clinic in Merida, but SSY's director of prevention and protection for health, Manuel Paredes Aguilar, says that until now it does not happen. is not registered as a death due to the flu because the confirmatory study was not performed because it marks the

The official points out that the vaccination was covered in time and form for the flu, which is carried out during the winter period which covers from October to March, when they were applied in the state 625 373 doses, in 290 medical units of the IMSS , Issste and SSY.

Regarding the cases already presented, details 998 were studied, of which 92 were positive for influenza and of these four died. The deceased patients were from Umán, Mérida Tixkokob and Kanasín

The doctor points out that they had comorbidities and were not vaccinated.

Two of them were between 35 and 39 years old, another between 50 and 54 years old, and the fourth was over 65 years old.

The age groups most affected by influenza are: the age group of 35 to 39 years, with 17.4%; between 40 and 44, with 16.3%; and that of 30 to 34 years, with 13% .- IRIS CEBALLOS ALVARADO

Dr. Paredes Aguilar points out that the figures presented in the cases are a sample, because only the test is carried out on 10% of the patients who come with the symptoms of the flu, although 100% of hospitalized patients, pregnant women and the deceased are tested.

The SSY holder, Jorge Mendoza Mezquita, reiterates that there will be an increase in cases in the next two weeks and states that there is a guarantee of having enough drugs to treat the flu .

In addition, he points out that there is an outbreak of infectious respiratory diseases, not just flu, so the diagnosis is more complex. Yes, they are flu and those who are not.

Dr. Mirza Tec Kumul, Deputy Director of Public Health, explains that the flu test results take two to three days to go, but if there is a suspicion of influenza the treatment is clinical; that is, it starts immediately with medications to treat this disease.

Dr. Alonso Sansores Río, Coordinator of Prevention and Health Care of the IMSS, and Gloria Margarita Quiñones Gamboa, Deputy Director of the Regional Hospital of Issste,

This has allowed to express that the health staff is ready to deal with this flu epidemic, to ensure that they have enough drugs and to join in the appeal to the population to take care of yourself so that avoid contagion, as well as not going to public places and mass events if you are sick and that there is flu suspicion.

Asked about the flu cases that are currently present, the director of the Hospital O. Horán, Carlos Espada Villajuana, states that there are six hospitalized patients and one deceased, which corresponds in Merida.

At a Glance


Dr. Manuel Paredes Aguilar, of the SSY, presented the panorama of flu in the entity up to now and points out that people who risk a life-threatening complication because of this condition are those who have obesity, uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, asthma, smoking, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunosuppression and chronic renal failure.

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