Guanajuato will ask Segob for an emergency declaration due to torrential rains


CELAYA, Gto., (Apro) .- The assignments derived from the rains and the escape of the Allende dam have already reached 25 municipalities of the state, for which the governor Miguel Márquez Márquez announced that he will request the emergency declaration to the Ministry of the Interior (Segob).

Meanwhile, in a statement, the Mexican car company of Mexico confirmed that its plant in Celaya was flooded "due to the overflow of a canal connected to the Laja River", which forced the suspension . production runs since Thursday night.

"There is no report of injured people and Honda is evaluating and conducting a thorough review of the facilities and equipment to ensure the operating and safety conditions before restart production, but Honda will work to do it as soon as possible, "the statement said.

The municipalities affected so far are Abasolo, Celaya, Comonfort, Cuerámaro, Dr. Mora, Dolores Hidalgo, Capital of Guanajuato, Huanímaro, Irapuato, Juventino Rosas, Leo, Ocampo, Penjamo, Purísima del Rincón, Romita , Salvatierra, San Diego of the Union, San Felipe, San Francisco del Rincón, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel of Allende, Silao, Tierra Blanca, Uriangato and Villagrán

After having concluded meetings with the Committee of State for Civil Protection and Coordination Group of Guanajuato, Márquez announced that there was significant damage to infrastructure in schools, homes and roads.

In Celaya, even the bases of the military police and state security forces were left under the water.

"This will begin with the assessment of the damage and send a very clear message to the public: the affected families will be supported, we have catastrophic insurance, which will allow us to help them immediately," said the statement. Governor in a press release issued Friday afternoon.

The state government began addressing some of these damages, in which the urgency is set for the resources of Fonden to be released to Guanajuato.

The Civil Protection Committee and Coordination Group still remain alert, not only for polling day Sunday, but because it has been predicted that rains will continue on weekends.

It has been reported that 60% of the annual average rainfall has been reached in a few days. "There are already 100% dams like the Allende and El Palote; The Purisima is 90%, "said the governor.

The National Coordination of Civil Protection announced that 178 temporary shelters were allowed in the state, in addition to conducting visits and campaigns to disseminate Preventive measures.] Celaya is one of the municipalities most affected by rainfall, and works in coordination with the three levels of government on emergency preparedness to address areas such as Honda's factory lands, El Cuije and La Luz communities, as well as During the working session, it was agreed to install the coast in the critical points detected, to reinforce embankments and embankments and to pump water into the communities and colonies affected

The other points monitored at Celaya are the communities of La Cruz, Los Mancera, Los Ramírez, Moralitos and San Juan de la Vega

. s Public Security, Attorney General's Office, Health, as well as the State Management of the National Water Commission and the CFE, the region's military commanders, the Federal Police and the Federal Delegates of Governance and PGR

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