Guatemala extends the state of calamity of Fuego volcano | news


The government of Guatemala extended the state of public calamity for 30 days in the province of Escuintla facing serious situation in the region, following the eruption of volcano from fire occurred a month ago.

The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction ( Conred ) affirmed that by a Council of Ministers the deadline, which expired on Tuesday, was extended to continue the work of reconstruction, cleaning, caring for victims, victims and others affected.

By decree of the President of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, since June 4 (a day after the disaster) the state of Escuintla was declared in public calamity, considering consequences of the powerful eruption 113 dead, more than 200 missing and 1.7 million people affected

The eruption of the Fuego volcano on June 3 was the strongest volcanic activity recorded in the last ten years. Photo: EFE

>> Volcán de Fuego leaves more than 15,000 children out of school

Under the decree, purchases of goods and services must continue, as well as the investment of public funds to restructure the 186 homes destroyed.

For its part, the Congress of Guatemala ratified the extension and the petition of the President Morales (with 122 votes for) and at the time was approved the resources to continue the reconstruction of the state, with the condition to monitor and verify the accounts and funds used to mitigate the situation.

Deputy Minister of Finance, Victor Martinez, said that under the procurement system of the State of Guatecompras received 365 million quetzales for reconstructions and a census will also be started for the delivery of houses to the victims.

Also, Conred [194590] 04] added that 3,543 refugees will be relocated to single-family housing complexes in August of this year.

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