Guillermo and Catalina baptize Prince Luis, his third son


Prince Louis, fifth in line of succession to the British throne and third son of the Dukes of Cambridge, was baptized in the Royal Chapel of St. James' Palace, London, in an intimate ceremony where his great-grandparents were absent; Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh

The religious service was held in the afternoon and lasted 45 minutes, was officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury and primate of the Anglican Church, Justin Welby. , born April 23 at the St. Mary's Hospital in the British capital, arrived at the temple asleep in the arms of his mother, Catherine, while Prince William led hand in hand his two eldest sons, Prince George and Princess Carlota, aged five and three, respectively.

Upon arrival, it was possible to hear how Catalina, who remained faithful to the designer that she had already used for the two previous baptisms, Alexander McQueen, described the child as " Very relaxed and calm "while talking to the Archbishop.

The third grandson of the Prince of Wales and the late Princess Diana wore a replica, made in 2008, of the cream baptismal shawl worn for the first time by Queen Victoria's firstborn in 1841 and since then , was used for all royal baptisms, including that of Elizabeth II, in 1926.

The youngest son of the Dukes of Cambridge was baptized with the Jordan River water on the baptismal font, a work of goldsmiths made by jewelers EJ. and W. Barnard in 1840, also at the request of Queen Victoria, who represents "purity and new life" and which the royal family uses in these ceremonies.

The baby follows in the footsteps of his older brother, whose baptism It also took place in the temple of the British capital in 2013, while that of his sister was held in the east of 39; England, at the St. Mary Magdalene Church of Sandringham, in 2015.

Also, this date was the first the whole family could be seen because there was still no room for it. Official image of the Dukes of Cambridge with their three children, since the prince had not been seen since his birth, which happened 11 weeks ago.

The sixth great grandson of Isabel II has six close friends of his parents, three men and three women, as godfathers, among them Guy Pelly, from the group of Princes Guillermo and Enrique, and Lucy Middleton, cousin of Catalina.

This The private remonia took place in front of less than 30 guests, among whom were the Prince of Wales, grandfather of the creature and the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, as well as newlyweds Dukes of Sussex, Prince Henry and Meghan.

The Celebration

Matt Holyoak was the photographer, who took pictures of the Queen's 70th wedding anniversary.

Meghan went to baptism for the first time by a member of the royal family.

The Queen plans to attend a centennial celebration of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) today.

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