Guillermo Del Toro will pay for the purse winner trip


  Unequal and Classical Mexico: Guillermo Del Toro will pay the trip of the winner of a scholarship

About classical Mexico, poor and unequal: Guillermo Del Toro will cover the travel expenses of the Recipient

Decreases Who Suffers "

Text: Marisol Martinez

Who is not about 20 thousand pesos stored under the mattress, no?

First of all , we contextualize the problem.

Recently, during the XV edition of the prestigious Morelia Film Festival laureate of an Oscar, Guillermo del Toro announced the program ANIMEXICO, which aims to promote the talent of the country by granting a scholarship mastering the characters and animated cinematography taught in the Master of Arts of Gobelins, in Paris which, incidentally, is the best of its kind in the world

such an answer, that Del Toro n "Did not give one, or 3 equal scholarships, whose winners were Ramiro Tamez, Gabriela Camarillo and Christian Arredondo, the latter, the object of mockery and from offenses when he stated that he had no money to pay the plane ticket France (ranging from $ 15,000.00 to 30 $ 000.00 pesos). To defray expenses, Arredondo decided to seek the help of the government of Celaya, the city where he was born.

And then, in a country where the minimum wage is $ 88.26 pesos HOW DO YOU NOT PAY AN AIRCRAFT TICKET, MALDITO MEDIOCRE?

Because in Mexico, at the age of 31, any youngster should already have a resolute life.Have bought a domain for him (and his family, of course.) He should also own a car, and therefore, have a wide and formidable credit history (because hahaha, no one keeps his money under the mattress, sounds).

Sorry about this. to be the one to tell you, but it is already It's time to land reality, dear friends of the middle class with millionaire tunes.

Guess what?

In Mexico, about 53.4 million * live in precarious situations, resulting in 43.6% of the total population of the country Yes, almost half of the country ] in this figure, I do not include those who live near 10 million * in conditions of extreme poverty, far from everyday life, from everything we know and consider as "normal".

It is very likely that, on your usual way of working, at home or at school, you come across someone who does not have sufficient resources to lead a decent and decent life. have access to basic services such as education, health and food.

I only care about it because a person who has worked all his life in the field will never want / could qualify for a scholarship abroad, Is not it? I do not want them to think that I am inconsistent.

Let's focus on what's really important. Why can a young man with a vocational training not pay for a plane ticket abroad?

According to the Salary Observatory, when our older brothers or cousins ​​were studying in 2005, they aspired to earn $ 24,000.00 pesos, a figure that suddenly decreased to $ 14,800.00 pesos for 2014. A parenthesis should be opened in this topic because there are other "curious" data … all students do not have access to the postgraduate education (only 1%, of the population, to be more specific.)

Let's talk about the bachelor's degree, culmination of "compulsory" education. A skilled professional in Mexico aspired to earn about $ 11,500.00 pesos in 2005, and for 2016, his income dropped considerably to $ 7,600.00 pesos. Only 17% of the country's inhabitants can aspire to pursue a career.

But what is education not supposed to be the key to success? That change is in itself?

According to the same study of the Salary Observatory near 63% of the population has upper secondary education, and what should one if the 73% workers do not reach the constitutional minimum wage and worse yet, they do not even have access to the economic and social mobility of the country. Social Security

Wherever you look, Mexico is still a classy, ​​unequal and poor country that can conceive the idea of ​​a talented Mexican filmmaker dreaming of studying at the university. 39, alien …

* National Council of evaluation of the social development policy CONEVAL, August 2017.

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