Gunmen steal nearly 600 ballots in Chiapas


A group of armed persons flew this morning to 7 packs with about 600 tickets for the state election in Chiapas. The events occurred when the vehicle where they were carrying the electoral package, moved to the height of the municipality of Huixtán, located in the indigenous area of ​​Los Altos.

According to people who traveled on the road, about 15 people carrying guns and wearing hoods caught up with the vehicle carrying the tickets. To stop, they pulled the tires and once stopped, they took the boxes.

Local electoral trainers and the electoral adviser of the Huixtán municipality, the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation of Chiapas, were in the vehicle. .

The events occurred Friday, around 10 am, 400 meters from the municipal headquarters of Huixtán, to the municipality of Ocosingo. During the attack, the officials of the ROIP were beaten until they lost consciousness and according to testimony, the armed group fled.

One of the witnesses said that the attackers only took the ballots but did not take the rest of the election materials, such as screens, tarpaulins, among others.

The fact has already been reported to the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Election Crime Watch (FEPADE). The IEPC reported that stolen tickets can not be used during the July 1 elections and that they will be reprinted so that citizens can exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections on Sunday.

On the other hand, in the last few hours there have been at least three armed attacks, one in Yajalón municipality and another in Catazaja, near the borders with Tabasco; and one more in the coastal zone, in the municipality of Mapastepec.

On the first Thursday night, gunmen ambushed a family who was traveling aboard a truck at the ejido La Ventana, on their way to Yajalón, leaving a young injured man. bullet hole

The second was in Catazajá, against a group of people who guarded the entrance of this ejido to prevent members of political parties from introducing equipment and safeguards to compel the vote, they have been assaulted with firearms by suspected militants. PRI, who arrived with the intention of entering the city.

The third attack took place this morning in the municipality of Mapastpec, when unidentified gunmen shot David Ponce Montes, political agent of the Mover party in Chiapas. When this person was outside the offices of this party, he received two gunshot wounds.

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