Half Lovato is hospitalized for an overdose | Music


Half Lovato was hospitalized in an emergency on July 24 in Los Angeles for a "heroin overdose," according to the TMZ portal that quotes police sources.

The 25-year-old singer was her home in Hollywood Hills, where she was found unconscious and after midnight she was transferred to the hospital.

Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Mars Bruno, Shawn Mendes, Nick Jonas, Camila Cabello, Kesha, Lily Allen, Clean Bandit and dozens of other artists from around the world wanted to send their support messages.

State of Health

Half a day after the news spread in the media worldwide, the director and representative of Demi Lovato confirmed to the press that the singer is "awake, stable and surrounded by his family ". In addition, he wanted to clarify that some of the data that is spoken "are incorrect" in a clear reference to no heroin overdose.

"Half is awake and with her family, who wants to express gratitude for everything for love, prayers and support.Some of the information that is reported is incorrect and we ask you to respect your privacy and not to speculate because your health and recovery are the most important now, "the statement said.

Several US media claim that medical teams must treat a Demi Lovato with naxolone, a drug that is often used in case of overdose because the singer refused to confess what she had consummate

"I want to be a vital model but I am only human"

] Lovato fights against his problems of alcoholism and drug addiction for years and since 2012 he has been rehabilitated several times, until a few weeks ago he confessed to having relapsed.

He narrated it from his unique Sober (Sobria) in which he said: "For those who have never abandoned me: we have already crossed this path . " I am really sorry, this is no longer and sober (…) I want to be a vital model but I am only human … I am sorry to be still there, I promise to get help . This was not my intention. I feel it for myself. "

It was June 24 last, when the artist performed the aforementioned song live on stage at Rock in Rio, and could not help to avoid it. be moved by the thousands of fans.]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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