Harry and Meghan entertain as children playing at Welly Wanging


The Wellington boots (called "Wellies" of "darling") are typically British, and a game based on them is typical of the countries of Oceania, the Welly wangingIt's as easy as launching a Wellie as far as possible.

And that's what they did Harry and Meghan after their visit in an area where they also donated 20 hectares of land and trees planted, in Auckland, New Zealand. All this as part of Queen's Commonwealth Canopy, a genuine forest conservation initiative in the 53 Commonwealth countries.

After learning the simple dynamics of the game, the dukes of Sussex participated in different teams and made a few shots between two laughs. Harry started and set the tone for Meghan, who tried to defeat his boot to which he had thrown, but did not get it because he went to the side instead of going straight, look at the fun time:

In the end, Prince Harry beat his wife, but he celebrated his liberation more than his.

After everyone planted a tree supported by children who participated in the dynamics, it was surprising to see Meghan digs to plant his even with her pregnancy, which is more and more noticeable. The tree of Meghan gives a flower called Kowhai, which is one of the 53 flowers embroidered on her veil. wedding dress.

Harry Meghan planting trees in New Zealand 2018
It was amazing to see Meghan digging to plant his tree; the duchess is a few months pregnant and looks perfect.

As you can see, this circuit leaves us, day after day, unforgettable moments between couple of the momentnow we are waiting for the grand finale tomorrow when this trip will end.

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