Harvey Weinstein keeps his bail but with three new charges


New York, (EFE) .- The film producer Harvey Weinstein has now maintained the conditions of his bail, but now with the weight of three new charges, two facing the possibility of Imprisonment for life and was declared "not guilty".

Weinstein, dressed in a dark suit and tie, went today to the Supreme Court of Manhattan in New York to hear the fresh charges presented on July 2 in his suit, including two of them. Predatory sexual assault, which can result in 10 years in prison and life imprisonment.

The once powerful Hollywood producer, who entered the court with a book in hand and was later transferred to the escorted and handcuffed room, is charged with six counts

In addition to the 39; predatory sexual assault, there is first and third degree offense and two counts of indictable offense.

The new charges against the producer are linked to a "first degree criminal act", since a third woman claims to have practiced forced oral sex in July 2006.

Journalistic versions pointed out that new accusations coincide with the charges brought by former production assistant Mimi Haleyi, who accused Weinstein last October of a forced sex act in 2006. However, as often happens in these cases, the l 39; identity of the victims has not been provided.

On May 25, Weinstein, rocked since the end of last year by a wave of complaints that led to movements like #MeToo and "Time's Up," surrendered to the authorities and were subsequently charged with rape and other sexual crimes for allegedly committed acts in 2013 and 2004.

The judge put a bail of one million dollars in cash at that time, he ordered to use a device to record his movements and withdrew his password. Porte. Brafman estimated today that a new bond was not warranted.

On Monday, at his third appearance after a hearing on June 5 in which the 66-year-old producer dismissed the charges, his lawyer also objected to the petition of prosecutor Joan Illuzzi to because of the "severity" of the new charges, the home assignment for Weinstein in Manhattan.

The defendant, who ruled out the risk of absconding, expressed concern that the transfer of his client, who sold a property in which he remained in Connecticut, would be exposed daily to a "circus" outside his house, in case the media know his place of residence.

During the hearing, which was attended by counsel Gloria Allred as a representative of the third woman involved, protection orders were signed for the anonymous accusers.
As it was known, Weinstein, who According to his lawyer, he participates as a "legal assistant", he will have to return to court on 20 September next. EFE

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