He begins his trial against "El Chapo" in the United States under high security



Dozens of people will be interviewed today in a Federal Court of New York choose the jury who will decide on the future of Joaquín Mexican & El Chapo & # 39; Guzmán Loerawhose test started between strong security measures and against whom Government of the United States request life imprisonment by drug traffic.

After almost two years to have been extradited a United States, Guzmán Loeraboss of Pacific Cartel, the main exporter of medicines in this country, faces this morning a test who does not intend to deal with the merits of the case before the next November 13, after selection of the jury.

Due to the extreme security imposed by the authorities since the alleged capo arrived in New York, the jury has been selected by the public and in front of only five journalists who must inform the major media group covered by this report. history and media. judgment.

Initially, the number of possible jurors rose to over a thousand people, then to a little more than a hundred. Finally, it is unclear for the moment how many of them will be interviewed.

Twelve juries and six substitutes must be elected and their names, place of residence and work will not be known.

The members of the trial will go to court and return home, guarded by sheriffs, because it is feared that Guzmán Loera's allies will try his life.

The Sinaloa cartel is the one with the biggest international presence, according to the DEA, the US drug agency.

The rules imposed by the judge of the case, Brian Cogan, include the lawyers and the prosecutor, because they can only have two representatives each during the interrogation.

According to Justice Cogan, this process must guarantee the rights of the jury in matters of security, the rights of the press to inform and the respect of the right of the accused.

The names of the witnesses, former collaborators, subordinates remain secret.

Since his extradition to New York, authorized by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, with the agreement that he will not be sentenced to death, Guzmán Loera is kept in the safest wing of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Mannhattan.

US prosecutors have stated that as head of the Pacific cartel since 2003, Guzmán had spearheaded the movement of tons of drugs, including heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines, from the drug. On the other side of the border and up to the United States.

In case of conviction, Guzmán could spend the rest of his life in prison.

His transfer to Brooklyn is subject to extreme security measures, including a convoy of vehicles and armed agents, as well as a helicopter that oversees the process, as well as security in the court premises.

The Brooklyn Bridge is closed in its path.

The jury selection begins today with a large number of agents guarding the building, as well as dog units even coming into the audience room, hence the press covers this process.

The trial should be extended from three to four months.

Although the charges in this case are all related to drug trafficking, it is also expected that prosecutors will submit evidence that Guzmán has been involved in several murder projects in clashes with rival cartels.

His defense lawyers gave little clue to his legal strategy.

One of them, Eduardo Balarezo, said in a court document that he would try to prove that Guzmán was only a "lieutenant" acting under the orders of Other people.


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