He commits suicide in Paris Oksana Shatchko, co-founder of Femen – France


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He commits suicide in Paris Oksana Shatchko, co-founder of Femen – France – RFI


  • 10H10 – 10H30 UT

    Rest of the program 24/07 10h10 GMT

  • 10H00 – 10H10 UT

    Makes. 24/07 10h00 GMT

  • 23H10 – 23H30 UT

    Rest of the program 23/07 23h10 GMT

  • 23H00 – 23H10 UTC

    Informative 23/07 23h00 GMT

  • 21H10 – 21H30 UTC

    Rest of the program 23/07 21h10 GMT

  • 21H00 – 21H10 UT

    Intelligence 23/07 21h00 GMT

  • 16H03 – 16H30 UT

    Rest of the program 23/07 16h03 GMT

  • 16H00 – 16H03 UT [19659007] Return 23/07 16:00 GMT

  • 14:10 – 14:30 GMT

    Remainder of program 23/07 14:10 GMT

  • 2:00 pm – 2:10 pm GMT

    Informational 23/07 2:00 pm GMT

  • 12:10 pm – 12:30 pm UT [19659007] Rest of the program 23/07 12:10 GMT

  • 12H00 – 12H10 UTC

    News 23/07 12:00 GMT

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  • Neutralized the 16th stage of the Tour de France with tear gas throwing the bicyclist peloton

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