He has cataracts 50% of older adults


CITY OF MEXICO, July 3, 2018.- Worldwide, it is estimated that about 50% of adults aged 65 to 74 suffer from cataracts. They can lead to vision loss, but they are reversible with surgery, unlike other diseases such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy, said Lizbeth Uribe Campos, a UN academic from the United States. National Superior School of Advanced Studies (ENES)

. According to a press release, cataracts are an opacity of the lens of the eye (natural lens); in the beginning they are very small and do not change the vision, but progress with age.

It is impossible to predict their evolution, because it will depend on factors such as family history, trauma, the use of corticosteroids, He explained that the eyeball inflammation and l & # 39; excessive exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation,

senile cataract may affect one or both eyes and is more common in women than in men. The most common symptoms are: blurred or fuzzy vision; decreased perception of colors; glare, especially at night; problems with night vision or double vision, and see flashes around the lights.

To diagnose it, a clinical history and an eye study are needed to determine the antecedents.

The most common treatment is an operation to remove the opaque lens. ; an intraocular lens is then placed. In most cases, the patient sees again with the same clarity, he says.

Surgery is not necessary in all cases, recommended only when decreased vision prevents or complicates daily activities

. Academics have commented that some actions may delay the development of cataracts, such as using sunglasses to block ultraviolet rays, quit smoking or reduce smoking, and opt for a diet with antioxidant properties, rich in leafy vegetables

It's convenient for adults over 60 to have regular eye exams because early detection can prevent complications, even saving sight, he concluded.

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