He is convicted for attempting to hang his own mother


Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.-In an abridged trial, a judge sentenced José Jesús IP, 27, for the crime of domestic violence against his ] mother of 70 years .

According to the victim's complaint and the testimony of the witnesses, the events occurred on January 25 of this year, around 10:00 am. the address located on the fourth street of the Colonia Ampliación Aeropuerto .

The convicted person abused his power to assault his mother physically and psychologically . who took it by the neck telling him that he would kill her, and then threw her to the floor where tried to hang her .

After a 911 call by the neighbors in the location witnessed events, the attacker was arrested in flagrante delicto, by agents

Due to the foregoing, the judge imposed as a precautionary measure, one year in prison and the obligation to undergo psychological treatment for 12 months.

The victim sustained injuries that were not inflicted. risk his life, however the psychology staff assigned to the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Women provides care to the victim, to counteract the emotional damage that he may have suffered.

In this note:

  • Assault
  • Sentenced
  • Son abuses his mother
  • Ciudad Juarez

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