He spoke about the Cali who was the victim of violence by racism in Portugal


The woman interviewed by Blu Radio said she had reported her attacker the same day the facts were presented on June 24 in the city of Porto.

Nicol Valentina Jiménez Quinayas, a young Cali woman who lives in Portugal since he was five years old, in an interview with Blu Radio told her version of the facts about shots that a man from Portugal gave him.

The aggression took place in the city of Porto, Portugal, at dawn on Sunday, June 24. Jiménez had just left San Juan, a traditional feast, and had to meet friends at a STCP bus stop.

According to information collected by Blu Radio Angela Patricia Quinayas, the mother of the daughter said that " my daughter arrived there, but the other people who were finding themselves upset and asked him to leave. " She asked for forgiveness and asked a woman online and she said yes. "

When the doors of public transport opened, a man who was part of the bus company accused him of sneaking into the line.

(Read also: Colombian was the victim of. aggression in Portugal to be afro-descendant).

Jiménez Quinayas, declared Blu Radio that the subject told him "black shit, you do not come here , if you want to take a bus to your land . "After that, he started beating her, gave her two punches and a kick in the face.

The man did not did not talk to him or ask for documents to know if she was coming from another country. " My Portuguese is perfect. I do not even have any more caleño accent, but when I meet someone, they ask me if I come from Brazil or Africa, "said the woman in the Interview

The fact also caused indignation. the witnesses devoted themselves to recording the fact instead of trying to help it. "One of the witnesses spoke to me the other day and he apologized for doing nothing and told me the details of the blows that he m & # 39; 39, has given, "said Jiménez.

The young Cali added the description of racist act. "Both shots knocked me down and when I tried to get up, he grabbed me again and made me touch the floor and he stayed on me." so that I can not move. " However, the woman tried to defend herself with her legs.

Jiménez also assured that she knew that the violent act lasted a long time because in her words "the blood was already dry". When the police arrived, he got up and took a selfie to get some proof of what happened.

(Read also: Every 28 minutes, a woman is a victim of gender violence in Colombia.)

She described her attacker as a man 30 or 35 years old. In addition, he stated that he had denounced the same day at 8 o'clock in the evening. He also assured that two days after the attack, due to the viral nature of the incident, different people started to send the Facebook account of the subject. With this information, he added the name of the assailant to the complaint.

The presidency of the Republic of Colombia issued a statement in which it declared that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had rejected and condemned the physical and verbal aggression they suffered the Colombian.

They add that the consulate of Colombia in Lisbon provided support and companionship to Jiménez. The compatriot has asserted this accompaniment in the interview, since she said that the Consulate contacted her by calls and e-mails.

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