"He still has the capacity to grow up"; Deschamps on the development of Mbappé


Arena Kazan –

Kylian Mbappé was able to throw France to the shoulders and thus access quarterfinals when he defeated the Argentina 4-3, but it is the beginning of the end, since Didier Deschamps French coach knows that he still has a lot of growth.

"He is someone passionate about football, he is very valuable, I have always said, I am very happy to be French, still has the ability to develop and grow, in a match as important as it showed that he really has a lot of talent, "he said Deschamps

Ante Argentina, Mbappé scored two goals and caused the penalty for a score more than the four with whom France eliminated Argentina in Russia 2018 that he really enjoyed Deschamps

"I have lived as a player, but now I am a technician Only if I do that, it is live moments of joy and happiness, it is a game that promises a lot, it's a beautiful stage, play against the Argentine team who has a lot of experience, we have a younger team, the team

The blue coach was pleased with the reaction of his team during a complicated afternoon when Albiceleste returned to the board. posting,

"The team has the character, it was not easy, we had the We have a team that has given everything to pass this phase, I am very proud and I am very happy because we have been preparing for many months to play games like this, "he said.

Deschamps knows what it is to be Champion with France, to achieve it in the World Cup in 1998 . [ad_2]
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