He tried to emigrate to the United States with Anne Frank's family


Berlin- An investigation indicates that the family of Anne Frank, the Jewish woman who wrote a famous newspaper before succumbing during the Holocaust, attempted to emigrate to the United States and later in Cuba, but that frustrated his efforts by strict US immigration policies and epidemics of World War II.

The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Holocaust Museum in the United States reported Friday that according to several documents, the father of Ana, Otto He twice tried to collect the necessary papers to obtain US visas. Then he apparently tried to ask permission to enter Cuba.

However, the family's efforts to escape were in vain. Finally, they hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam on July 6, 1942, exactly 76 years ago.

"I am forced to try to emigrate and, as far as I know, the United States is the only country we could go to. Otto wrote in English to a friend in the United States in 1941.

The father's efforts to take the family out of Holland and take him to the United States began in 1938, a turbulent year in which Germany Nazi annexed part of Czechoslovakia. during the Third Reich. On November 9 of this year, the Nazis terrorized Jews across the country in the violent "Broken Glass Night".

In the letter that Otto Frank wrote in 1941 to his friend Nathan Straus, he says that he made an application to the US consulate in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam in 1938.

However he also mentions that "all the papers were destroyed", because on May 14, 1940, while the Frank family was still on the list waiting to see if they were given the visa, the American consulate was devastated during the bombings Germans and all documents were lost.

However, even if the visa application had not been lost, it would have been very difficult for the Franks. They emigrated to the United States, as thousands sought refuge in that country every year at the start of the war in 1939. At that time, the US government issued fewer than 30,000 visas. Annual.

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