He tried to win an argument with his wife by stabbing her


Monterrey.- After arguing for unknown reasons, a man allegedly stabbed his wife and injured her leg this morning in Escobedo.

In fact, a woman was injured between 30 and 35 years, which after the attack was helped by neighbors who took her to the hospital in a private vehicle.

The alleged aggressor was identified by the authorities as Santiago Burciaga Andrade of 35 years. years, which had a wound of about 5 centimeters in the left leg.

The facts were reported around 1:10 pm in an address located on the second floor of a butcher shop, in Collective Contract and Infonavit in the Colonia Raúl Caballero.

According to neighbors, the help of the authorities was delayed for more than an hour, so that several civilians used a ladder and went up to help the woman and a house. baby.

Red Cross attended the alleged abuser, whom they took for their evaluation at the University Hospital. Reform

In this note: [19659008] Aggression
  • Collective Contract and Infonavit
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