He was 16 years old and died after being infected with a tampon


Last January, the case of the model Lauren Wasser became viral, and her legs were amputated after suffering an almost fatal infection caused by toxic shock syndrome (SST) during the use of the drug. ;a tampon.

Now, an autopsy revealed that the cause of the death of a 16-year-old girl in Canada last year is due to this same syndrome according to local and US media .

In March In 2017, Sara Manitoski made a school trip near Vancouver Island. One morning, her friends left the cabin where they were staying for breakfast and when they returned, she still had not risen. When they tried to wake her up, they realized that something was happening to her and suffered a successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation .

The medico-legal report of his death was announced a few days ago. died due to a toxic shock syndrome having found a strain of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the buffer in his body.

The so-called toxic shock syndrome is a rare but life-threatening disease – as was the case of Sara – which results from a bacterial infection. Symptoms may include fever, vomiting, rash, muscle aches, organ failure, shock, and even death.

The first cases of syndrome affected women who used tampons during menstruation. This is why for a long time it is advised that the same be changed frequently (every two or three hours) and not fall asleep with them.

Organic cotton tampons and vaginal cups are considered a safer and healthier alternative than the more common ones, however, according to a report published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, a journal of the United States. American Society of Microbiology, neither of these two options are better than ordinary tampons to prevent toxic shock syndrome .

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