Health: Influenza That Attacks Yucatan Is More Aggressive


MERIDA, Yuc.- The increase of cases of influenza AH1N1 in Yucatan, which occurs in atypical weather outside of winter, has caused fear among the population before the memory of the epidemic occurred in 2009 of this disease, which caused 3 000 298 cases and 15 deaths.

Hospitals and clinics in the health sector have been "invaded" by dozens of people with characteristic signs of the disease, mainly fever, headaches, coughs and red eyes.

During the last three weeks, the strain of the AH1N1 virus has this time an increased aggressiveness. with a faster evolution, caused six deaths in the entity in recent weeks, which has generated some social alarm.

Citizens who fear the disease protect themselves with masks and have returned to the habit of frequently using an antibacterial gel. Even the same hospital staff reinforced the preventive measures .

A provider explained that on entering a hospital, staff asked him to wash his hands frequently with soap and water, to cover his nose and mouth. when they cough or sneeze and avoid crowded places, like recommendations to prevent infection, as they commented "there is a major flu epidemic."


High fever, coughing, mucus and difficulty breathing are symptoms with which patients arrive in hospital emergency rooms.

Several of them develop what is called SIRA (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ), which seems to be a difficult breathing. , low oxygenation in the blood and is an emergency situation that requires rapid treatment by intensive therapy.

Experts consulted indicate that the AH1N1 virus is usually acting more aggressively and provoking more admissions to the hospital and this depends on the situation of each patient. However, cases that reach Yucatan hospitals show severe signs of the disease and in a shorter period.

It also draws attention that the age of patients fluctuates between 30 and 50 years and in the majority of cases it does not present associated comorbidities (other diseases).

In people already suffering from an infection or chronic illness (diabetes, hypertension, pulmonary insufficiency, pneumonia, HIV or AIDS, among others), the risk of presenting complications and death is bigger.

This disease can be prevented by vaccination. Due to the high mutability of the virus, vaccines change every year and are developed under the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is based on information provided by the international epidemiological surveillance system.

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