Heart medicine could cause cancer


Washington- A Chinese drug manufacturer is withdrawing active substances used in a common medicine for the heart from the international market because it contains traces of a dangerous carcinogen, the government announced Sunday, CNN.

] This is the second Chinese controversy in less than a month after it was revealed that hundreds of thousands of childhood vaccines were defective, endangering an unknown number of babies.

In early July Valsartan, the drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure and the prevention of heart failure were removed from the shelves of 22 countries in Europe and the United States. North America following the detection of several batches of dimethylnitrosamine, an organic chemical belonging to a family of potent carcinogens.

] Substances were provided by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals (ZPH), with headquarters in Linhai, China, which pointed out "At noon on July 13, we published our notice of goods withdrawal in China and at 39, foreign, by publishing the notice of withdrawal on the US market on July 14. Beijing time … all raw materials destined for the Chinese market were withdrawn before July 23, "the company said in a statement sent Monday to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

July 16, ZHP reported withdrawing all of its valsartan products from US pharmacies

Studies in which dimethylnitrosamine has been used in animals have been shown to cause tumors in the liver, kidneys and respiratory tract. to the disclosure of the above, the Food and Drug Administration of China reported to have reviewed all domestic suppliers of ingredients of Vasartan, including ZPH.

According to Xinhua, ZHP took "necessary steps" to

Recent drug scandals occur at a time when the Chinese government is trying to regain confidence, both nationally and internationally, in the quest for drugs. the products of the country

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